more about AlienSeedDarkWorldII

Album art for AlienSeedDarkWorldII. The image features one of my Phantasy Star characters sitting alone at a table, looking sad.

album art for AlienSeedDarkWorldII

I wanted to try out some Breakcore-type stuff since I've always found those drums on two separate tracks fascinating, like how I dabbled a little bit in my last album (the LSB one). I also love DarkSeed and DarkSeed II.

I took my AlienSeedDarkWorld album, sped up the tracks, re-mapped the instruments, completely re-did the drums, and added a bunch of vocal samples from DarkSeed II. In a way, this is the album I wasn't confident enough to make and release when I did AlienSeedDarkWorld the first time. In another way, I'm glad that project and this one are two separate entities; they served different purposes for me at the when I made them, and they serve different purposes musically as well.

I was confident that I’d knock this one out in two days, but I think it ended up taking four. If I had to re-compose all of those tracks then it would have taken way longer, of course - I found myself pleasantly surprised with some of the compositional writing I’d done; I think I’ve been lazier at writing melodies etc since then. This is my first time doing anything (production-wise) with any type of vocals in the mix, so that was fun.

I feel like pushing this album out has let me get things out of my system - this album art that’s at least a year old in my queue, this drum style, and these samples I recorded probably at least two years ago. I’m excited that I have the internal freedom to move onto very different things from here since I feel like I’ve completed my goals musically. I’m still traveling a lot for work so I’ll probably continue to be able to push out a lot more if I so choose.


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